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Fee Structure


1-1 Naturopathic Nutrition

Consultation (adult)


£190 - First Appointment   (1.5-2 hours)

A thoroughly researched assessment and an individualised plan created

with supplement/testing recommendations.

Plus a 15 minute call to go through the plan and subsequent email correspondence. 


£85 - Subsequent Appointments   (45 minutes)

Further assessment to see progress and a new/revised individual plan given,

analysing of any tests, any new research. Tests are paid by client. 


£40- "Mini Adjustments" 

Email or text responses are included in appointment fees.

However for more in-depth phone call/mini tweak to plan (up to 15 minutes) I will charge £40.

I may advise a full follow up instead,  if I deem it necessary.





Bach Flower Essence Consultation 


£65 (45 minutes)

An in-depth chat about your emotional health. 

Includes a personalised Bach flower essence remedy bottle. 






I provide functional testing if I feel it's necessary (this is at an extra cost to the client).

It can be especially helpful for people with more chronic or extensive issues.  


These include tests such as:

Stool testing, Vaginal and/or Urinary microbiome testing,

Hormones (adrenal, sex hormones, thyroid), Hair Mineral Analysis, 

Vitamin/Mineral status, Mould Exposure.  


I do receive a small percentage of commission

from stool, hair mineral analysis and DUTCH testing (not blood tests), as it takes me time to analyse them

This is common practice within Nutritional Therapy. 



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